Possible Benefits Associated with Tourette's:
- Reduced inhibitory pressure on reflexes and motor pathways
- Heightened efficiency in the use of force
- Reduced reaction time and refined rhythmic activity
- Increased innate and instinctual behaviors
- Advanced ability for improvisation or extemporization
- Increased defensiveness, withdrawal, avoidance, vigilance, and opportunism
- Stimulus hunger, adaptive restlessness and unhesitating reactivity
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Tourette Syndrome in the Context of Evolution and Behavioral Ecology
Tourette syndrome, and the closely related spectrum of tic
disorders, are inherited neuropsychiatric conditions characterized by the
presence of repetitive and stereotyped movements. Tics are elicited by either environmental
experiences or internal signals that instruct the basal ganglia to initiate
automatic or procedural movements. In most vertebrates the basal ganglia encode
instructions for habitually used sequences of motor movements that are
essential to survival. Tic disorders may represent evolved phenotypes with a lower
threshold for basal ganglia-directed actions. This may have produced a
susceptibility to extraneous tics, but also produced fast-acting tactical
solutions to immediate physical problems. During periods of nonstop movement,
continual foraging, and sustained vigilance, it may have been advantageous to allow
subcortical motor commands to intrude into ongoing motor activities. It is
clear that the engrams for individual motor responses held in the basal ganglia
are selected by converging cortical and subcortical inputs. This form of
convergent action selection results in the selection of the most contextually
reinforced actions. Today people with Tourette’s have tics that seem arbitrary
and inappropriate; however, this may be due to the vast discrepancies in
reinforcement between the ancestral environment and the modern one. In
prehistoric environments, the motor behaviors of individuals with tic disorders
may have been appropriate in environmental context, and had ecological relevance
in survival and self-promotion.
Keywords: basal
ganglia, evolution, executive control, neuroecology, procedural memory, tics,
Tourette’s disorder
Tourette syndrome (TS) is an inherited neuropsychiatric disorder
characterized by multiple sudden, repetitive, nonrhythmic motor movements
called tics. Motor tics include unplanned, stereotyped movements such as eye
blinking, facial twitching, and head, arm, hand or shoulder movements. Phonic
tics include noises, syllables, words and phrases. Some tics are highly
conspicuous, whereas other can be very subtle and masked. Tourette’s is defined
as part of a spectrum of tic disorders, which includes both transient and
chronic tics, most with prepubertal onset. Although individuals with TS have
been described since antiquity, the systematic study of individuals with tic
disorders began in the nineteenth century [1]. Only a few decades ago Tourette
syndrome was considered a rare and bizarre syndrome, most often associated with
the exclamation of obscene words (coprolalia), socially inappropriate remarks,
mimicking, and derogatory gestures [2]. However, none of these behaviors are
universal. In fact, the most well-known symptom, coprolalia, only occurs in
about 10% of cases [3].
The DSM-5 recognizes three types of tic disorders: Tourette’s disorder, persistent motor or vocal tic disorder and provisional tic disorder. The diagnostic criteria for Tourette’s in the DSM-5 are: A. Both multiple motor and one or more vocal tics have been present at some time during the illness, although not necessarily concurrently. B. The tics may wax and wane in frequency but have persisted for more than 1 year since first tic onset. C. Onset is before age 18 years. D. The disturbance is not attributable to the physiological effects of a substance or another medical condition.
Merely a few decades ago, TS symptoms were thought to be
caused by pent up, or “repressed” anger, and psychoanalysis was thought to be a
productive form of treatment. Today many Tourette’s researchers instead think
that Tourette’s represents some kind of malfunction in the neurological systems
that ensure that necessary urges are properly attended to [4]. It is now known
that the disorder is neurological in etiology, rather than psychological, and
symptom reduction can be achieved by modifying dopaminergic transmission. Medications
and behavioral therapy are the most common forms of treatment [5]. Although
Tourette’s is the most severe of the tic spectrum disorders [1], most cases are
relatively mild [5], and many cases probably go undiagnosed [6]. The severity
of tics decreases during adolescence and pronounced Tourette’s is relatively
rare in adulthood [7]. Furthermore, Tourette’s is thought by some to be
continuous with normal human variation and all people are thought to be capable
of movements that qualify for the “tic” label [6].
Between 1 and 10 children per 1,000 have TS and
additionally, as many as 10 per 1,000 have a tic disorder [4]. This incidence
exceeds a mere chance effect due to high mutation rates (1 in 1,000) and thus
may be suggestive of past positive selection [8]. Because TS has high
prevalence and a very strong genetic component [4], the persistence of the polymorphisms
involved suggests an origin in natural history. It presents with similar
prevalence rates, worldwide [9] indicating that it was an established
nosological entity before the first humans left Africa. Because it presents
during the period of fertility we can assume that natural selection had the
opportunity to select against these alleles. Yet, TS exists today as a
relatively prevalent disorder. This amounts to an evolutionary enigma commensurate
to the one identified for schizophrenia [10]. The present opinion article will explore
the possibility that the clinical manifestations of tic disorders may be
associated, perhaps in low levels, with certain adaptive advantages in specific
environments. It is certainly possible that natural selection may have only
favored subclinical traits or been advantageous in low genetic penetrance in
clinically unaffected relatives.
Seizure activity, chorea, dystonia and myoclonus are other
movement disorders that probably were not adaptive nor selected by evolution on
the basis of their ability to adaptively alter behavior. Unlike tic disorders
these movement disorders can be medical signs or symptoms, and are often
precipitated by injury, drugs, or relatively rare medical disease states. Tic
behavior is more complex, and may fit the adaptationist program as it has
aspects of contextual responsivity and intentionality.
Tourette Syndrome and
Evolutionary Medicine
The costs of TS are well known and include constrained
mobility, occupational disability and psychological stress and suffering [11].
The defensive value; however, may be hidden due to discrepancies between our
modern and ancestral environments. Many traits that are known to have been
adaptive in our ancestral environment are now seen as maladaptive in our
present society, and this has been termed an “environmental mismatch” [12]. The
growing field of evolutionary medicine attempts to identify and explicate such
mismatches. Researchers have shown that a large number of “pathological”
conditions have compensating benefits and over time the literature has come to
accept many of these as adaptive responses [13]. Clinical states associated
with adaptive properties include diabetes mellitus, diarrhea, fever,
inflammation, obesity, sneezing, sickle cell anemia and vomiting [14]. The
literature emphasizes that disorders with evolutionary components work within
physical constraints, and often involve functional compromises and tradeoffs.
Following the pioneering work of Panksepp [15] there has
been a movement to understand psychiatric disturbances in terms of the
underlying evolutionary mechanisms. Many articles have analyzed various forms
of psychopathology in terms of evolutionary medicine [16], and this area of
research has been referred to as “evolutionary psychopathology.” Researchers in
this field have concluded that there were probably multiple, alternative,
cognitive strategies to deal with the problems and obstacles that recurred in
our evolutionary past. Furthermore, they emphasize that individual differences
in developmental patterns may not always represent disease, but in fact
represent biological, naturally selected responses to pressing environmental
concerns [17, 18]. Many articles in the last two decades have espoused this
view and reconceptualized various forms of psychopathology as adaptive,
cognitive syndromes that have ecological utility [19]. These articles have
given thoughtful treatments to disorders such as: anxiety, hypothesized to represent
a careful, cautious strategy [20]; depression, a socially submissive strategy [21];
schizophrenia, a defensive, vigilant and impulsive strategy [22]; psychopathy,
a socially selfish and opportunistic strategy [23]; and PTSD, a threat-avoidant
strategy [24]. Similarly, many “behavioral syndromes” have been discovered in
mammalian species and are thought to represent adaptive responses to particular
scenarios, despite the fact that they appear maladaptive when taken out of
their ecological context [25].
Williams and Nesse [25] suggest that in order to determine
that a disorder or disease has adaptive qualities which were positively
selected in the past, it is important to be able to show that the trait is
relatively prevalent, heritable, and that susceptibility varies within a
population. These are all true of TS. However, it is also necessary to show how
the trait’s purported benefits may have outweighed the costs [13]. It does not
appear that individuals with TS would have suffered great hardships or had
barriers to reproduction in the ancestral environment. Furthermore, Tourette’s
does not adversely affect intelligence or life expectancy [26]. Both children
and adults with TS have been shown to be very psychologically hardy, and
despite the frustrations associated with their symptoms, are surprisingly
well-functioning in social, emotional and behavioral measures [3]. In fact, they
are remarkably similar to control children without TS on most psychosocial
measures. This suggests that despite the accompanying physical limitations, TS
may not necessarily have unduly hampered reproductive success due to
psychological or motivational factors.
Possible Compensatory
Benefits of Tourette Syndrome
Compensating benefits associated with Tourette syndrome have
been reported in studies comparing individuals with TS to controls [6]. Georgiou
and researchers [27] found that patients with TS when tested in terms of
kinematics were in certain respects more force efficient, compared to controls,
and made fewer inefficient cycles of motoric acceleration and deceleration on
complicated motor tasks. On average, individuals with TS perform behavioral
tests of cognitive motor control more quickly and accurately than their typical
developing peers do [28]. Children with TS have exhibited a significant
processing advantage in judging time intervals [29]. Individuals with TS also
exhibit enhanced levels of cognitive control over their oculomotor responses
and increased performance is associated with tic severity [30]. The study authors
speculate [31] that the enhanced cognitive control of motor activity seen in TS
patients may stem from the constant requirement to suppress tics; however, the
enhancements may actually be inherent to TS.
Individuals with TS have been reported to excel in certain
types of competitive sports [5; 32]. Furthermore, it has been claimed that tics
can allow improvisation and extemporization with musical instruments. Patients
report that they are physically slower, less coordinated and have a diminished
knack for repartee when they are on medicines that reduce ticcing [33]
(although people without Tourette’s taking neuroleptics report this as well). There
have not yet been any systematic research efforts aimed at delineating the
motor advantages and deficits in individuals with TS, but further research may
be illuminative.
When an individual with TS stops making a conscious effort
to suppress their symptoms, or if they become emotionally aroused, tics are
more likely to emerge [36]. Tics have been shown to decrease in frequency
during concentration on an absorbing activity [6]. Another aspect of tics is
that even though they are often described as irresistible, they are typically consciously
suppressible or at least able to be delayed. Touretters describe these
“premonitory urges” as having properties akin to an itching sensation. Like the
impulse to scratch an itch, tics can be inhibited but only with the expenditure
of some degree of mental effort and restraint [3]. Given the fact that they can
be deliberately suppressed it seems clear that tics would not have compromised
reproductive success and survival by bursting forth during extremely
inopportune times.
Neurologist and author Oliver Sacks has written about the
compensatory advantages of TS. He states that clinical observers of Tourette’s
routinely note a peculiar quickness of movement. Sacks [33] also wrote a story
about a pilot and surgeon with severe Tourette syndrome whose tics have been
documented to go into almost complete abeyance during his operations. In fact,
a dozen or so M.D.s with Tourette syndrome work quite safely as surgeons [34].
Sacks describes the musician [35], “Witty Ticcy Ray,” in the following way:
“…a weekend jazz
drummer of real virtuosity, famous for his sudden and wild extemporizations,
which would instantly arise from a tic or a compulsive hitting of a drum, and
would instantly be made the nucleus of a wild and wonderful improvisation, so
that the ‘sudden intruder’ would be turned into a brilliant advantage (p. 94).”
Many probands lose all noticeable manifestations of their
Tourette’s when singing, dancing or acting and can remain tic free when moving
rhythmically or continuously [33; 32]. Leckman and Cohen [6] ask, from the
Darwinian viewpoint, whether there might be an advantage in having
vulnerability to develop TS. They claim to have made clinical observations that
TS patients have a “thinner barrier to stimulation,” and may have been more
“aware of dangers” in the ancestral past. The present article will take another
perspective and argue that a propensity for tics may have amounted to a form of
restlessness that ensured that the individual remained physically and
motorically integrated with their immediate environment. During periods of
nonstop movement, and repetitive foraging motions it may have been advantageous
to allow subcortical motor commands to intrude into ongoing motor activities.
TS symptomatology may therefore exist on a continuum with
two ends: one extreme involving simple, isolated motor tics and vocalizations
which are largely irrelevant, seemingly arbitrary and a have the potential to
be a nuisance. The other extreme perhaps involves rapid inventiveness,
disinhibition of basal impulses, and unhesitating reactivity. Perhaps the
isolated and inappropriate tics are a natural tradeoff that occurs when the
threshold for activity of the basal ganglia is adaptively lowered. Ticcing
disorders may descend from an environment when social propriety mattered far
less than speedy reactions. Furthermore, in the ancestral past there may have
been less social stigma on wild, loose behavior. Tics often appear as risqué,
irreverent or even antisocial, but this may simply be because they are not
filtered by the frontal lobe. Thus tics may merely be the striatum’s most
appropriate associations untempered by forethought, tolerance, empathy or
The Neuroscience of
Tourette Syndrome
The mental instructions for discrete movements usually pass
through a complex network of cognitive filters in the frontal cortex. The PFC
normally either potentiates or inhibits the impulses originating from the
dorsal striatum, permitting some and curtailing others. The putamen (which
controls automatic movements previously learned by repetition) sends its
instructions on to the premotor cortex which passes its activity on to the
adjoining motor cortex. Normally inputs from prefrontal and premotor areas are
combined and integrated with inputs from the dorsal striatum in this way, and
are then sent to the motor cortex. The motor cortex delivers these motor
programs to the muscles by way of the spine or cranial nerves. During tics, the
frontal cortex fails to inhibit the caudate nucleus and putamen, structures
which lie directly beneath it. In Tourette’s the putamen has been shown to be
overactive. Furthermore, TS has been associated with lack of activity in three
areas: 1) the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (concerned with generating
appropriate actions); 2) the left basal ganglia (concerned with the control of
automatic movements; and 3) the anterior cingulated cortex (an area concerned
with focusing attention on actions [37].
The determinants of the selection of a motor plan come from
either: 1) external environmental stimuli, or 2) internal stimuli. Engrams for
specific motor plans are triggered in the striatum when they are converged upon
by a set of inputs from cortical and subcortical areas, and activated above a certain
threshold. The cooccurrence of a specific set of stimuli in the environment, or
in internally generated thinking, will initiate a complex search function,
characterized by spreading activation, to select the corresponding motor
outputs [38]. Thus, despite the fact that they may seem arbitrary, tics are
actually chosen with high specificity.
Today individuals with Tourette’s report feeling a sense of
reward accompanying their ticcing actions. Reward is associated with high
levels of dopamine release which is known to promote habit formation in the
basal ganglia, increasing the frequency of the action. Thus dopamine serves to
capture and reinforce striatal behaviors engraining these patterns as habitual
tics [39]. This process may leave individuals, especially those that are
genetically predisposed to Tourette’s, to be vulnerable to maladaptive motor
tics when contextually unnecessary responses are captured. In the prehistoric
past humans were responsible for activities such as finding or making physical
shelter, protecting their bodies from predators, and foraging for food. These
activities determined their reinforcement schedule. Today we rarely do any of
these things. What the basal ganglia found motivating in ancestral times, was
probably very different from what it finds motivating today. In the ancestral
past the motor plans that were converged upon may have been more likely to be advantageous
movements rather than extraneous, idiosyncratic ones.
In his book, The Triune Brain in Evolution [40], the late
Paul MacLean describes the basal ganglia as the reptilian brain (also referred
to as the archipallium or R complex). He describes how it can be taken to
represent the dominant mediator of adaptive behavior in reptiles, amphibians
and fish. He describes the basal ganglia, limbic system and neocortex as three
different biological computers linked together, different in structure and
chemistry, tens of millions of years apart in provenance, and each with its own
representations of time, space, motor repertoire and subjectivity. He describes
their functionality as intermeshing; independent but not autonomous. Much of
his life’s work was dedicated to explicating how the basal ganglia is
responsible for the largest proportion of behavior in nonmammalian vertebrates,
their learned behaviors, tropistic behaviors, repetitive behaviors, social
displays, species-specific master routines and individual-specific,
idiosyncratic subroutines. The large size and vast integration of the basal
ganglia in humans is clear evidence of its importance in human behavior.
Perhaps it should not be surprising that the human gene pool produces phenotypes
where this system is granted increased autonomy.
Tourette Syndrome, Stress
and Phenotypic Plasticity
The phenotypic characteristics of organisms ranging from
plants to mammals have been shown to make various plastic responses to
environmental stressors [41]. Phenotypic plasticity is accomplished when
environmental cues signal dormant genes to be expressed, or expressed genes to
become silent in a process known as epigenetics. Stress
has been shown to demand variant body types, behaviors, reproductive tactics,
and life-history strategies. Epigenetic responses to chronic stress
cause the mammalian brain to respond with a number of adaptive adjustments that
increase vigilance, threat awareness, and physical responsivity [22,42]. Stressful
environments probably put more pressure on animals to react quickly and
efficiently [43]. Most vertebrates, under times of severe or chronic stress,
must use their muscles vigorously, and for sustained periods [44]. It is known
that after extended exposure to stress, higher-order cognitive brain areas are
toned down relative to the areas responsible for reflexes, and the execution of
coordinated, sequenced, or procedural movements [44]. The documented
association between stress and TS may suggest that stress causes the expression
of genes that lead to increased ticcing behaviors, because tic-like behaviors
may have been particularly adaptive in a stressful, or adverse environment.
Psychogenic stress is known to exacerbate TS symptoms on the
order of days, weeks and months. Psychological stress has been tied closely to
early onset, and has been shown to precede flare-ups. Stress reliably
accelerates TS disease progression and worsens symptoms [3]. Tics have been
known to increase in frequency as a result of stress, fatigue, and anxiety [39].
Also ticcing disorders can be triggered during childhood by a traumatic event. Tic
severity [45] and TS diagnosis [46] has been associated with maternal
psychosocial stress during pregnancy. This strong association between TS and
stress may suggest that an adverse or hostile environment may have favored
tics. If TS constitutes a “predictive adaptive response” to stress then it
should be informative for researchers to focus heavily on the molecular
pathways that tie stress to TS exacerbation.
Stress is strongly associated with basal ganglia
upregulation in mammals from rats to humans. Memory is multifaceted and
different facets are mediated by different brain areas. Explicit memory for
movement supports consciously accessible knowledge, such as memory of what one
just did or what one did yesterday, and this is mediated by the medial temporal
lobe, in particular, by the hippocampus [47]. Procedural or habit memory for
movement, on the other hand, is responsible for simple stimulus-response
associations such as the memory to stop a car when the light is red, and this
is mediated by the caudate nucleus [48]. Hippocampus and caudate-based memory
systems work in parallel and have been described as cooperative by some and
competitive by others [49]. Studies have found that chronic stress
significantly increases activity in the caudate nucleus [50] and improves
performance on simpler, habitual and/or well-rehearsed tasks [51; 52]. In both
humans and rodents, chronic stress has been associated with a substantial
decrease in the use of hippocampal dependent learning strategies and a dramatic
increase in the use of caudate-based learning strategies [53]. Combat veterans
with PTSD, especially those that were using the caudate heavily in
life-threatening situations (such as riflemen), exhibit hypertrophic caudate
nuclei and atrophic hippocampi [54]. It
seems that a consequence of chronic stress is to shift away from explicit
processing (PFC and hippocampus dependent) and toward rigid, stimulus-response,
implicit processing (caudate and amygdala dependent) [55; 56].
Humans under intense chronic stress have been shown to
exhibit improved simple reaction time [57], potentiated reflexes and increased
speed for habitual movements [58]. In fact, Vasterling and collaborators [57]
suggest that this heightened behavioral reactivity may represent an
evolutionarily-mediated neurobiological response to stress “in preparation for
life-preserving action.” A similar type of behavioral
disinhibition may have permitted TS individuals to react without deliberately
reflecting on their decisions, helping them to escape harm and attain resources
quickly and without hesitation. It seems possible that TS is an evolved
phenotype, intended to adopt a different life-history strategy that allowed
affected individuals to react quickly without the normal inhibitory pressures
on their reflexes and natural instincts.
The present article concludes that it is plausible that the
genes that predispose people to Tourette syndrome, and the spectrum of tic
disorders, may have been naturally selected for their role in rapid physical responding.
Tics have been conceptualized here as automatic selections from lower brain
centers about appropriate tactical movements. This may be associated with the
compensating benefits enumerated in Figure 1.
Figure 1
Hypothesized Benefits
of Tic Disorders
- Reduced inhibitory pressure on reflexes and motor pathways
- Heightened efficiency in the use of force
- Reduced reaction time and refined rhythmic activity
- Increased innate and instinctual behaviors
- Advanced ability for improvisation or extemporization
- Increased defensiveness, withdrawal, avoidance, vigilance, and opportunism
- Stimulus hunger, adaptive restlessness and unhesitating reactivity
Tic and tic-like behaviors were probably only adaptive in
certain contexts. The intrusion of tics may have been most adaptive when they
were incorporated into an ongoing series of movements. Tics that emerged as
isolated and discrete movements, when no other behaviors were being performed,
or that were not applied to physical objects in the environment may have been
less likely to be adaptive. In other words, tics may have been useful, during
more active times, as integrated adjustments to ongoing motor behavior.
The statistical age of highest tic severity is typically
between eight and twelve, with most individuals experiencing declining tic
severity as they reach adolescence. [59]. In many cases, a complete remission
of tic symptoms occurs after adolescence [60, 61]. Why would this
epidemiological pattern be so widespread? Is it possible that tic-like behavior
is part of a learning arc, benefiting children by helping them to refine
movement, coordination, and motor praxis?
It will be difficult to determine irrefutably if what we
know as TS was in fact an adaptive condition in the ancestral past. The
hypothesis presented here is largely exploratory, and underspecified, in part
due to the paucity of related research. The present article has made untested
assumptions about stress-ecology and the nature of striatal cognition in the
wild. It can perhaps be argued that TS and other tic disorders in general have
no adaptive qualities. Most common tics observed in modern populations would
probably amount to handicaps in an ancestral environment. They might make an
individual unattractive to potential mates, betray one’s location to a predator.
and waste valuable energy. Common tics like toe crunching, throat clearing, and
abdominal tensing would probably have been useless for prehistoric foragers
that exhibited them. Moreover, the present hypothesis offers no explanation for
chronic tics. However, this type of exploratory writing is generally thought to
be progressive as it is well known that analyzing disease states from an
evolutionary perspective can integrate seemingly unrelated findings, elucidate
pathophysiology, and ultimately refocus clinical research and treatment
Comparative behavior and neurophysiology could provide
insight. Perhaps other species have an equally low but consistent prevalence of
ticcing phenotypes as well. It would be interesting to see if there are
analogues, or possibly homologues of TS in other species. If there were
homologues of TS in species closely related to humans, it would be relatively
easy to use molecular techniques to show this given that the genes responsible
could be identified. Looking at the evolutionary signatures in the behavioral
genetics of TS, might tell us more about its possible role as an adaptation.
Further kinematic and biomechanic studies comparing individuals with TS to
controls on measures of fluidity, efficiency and speed could help to determine
what kinesiological advantages TS individuals have if any.
It is possible that today tics are often not contextually
relevant because of the artificial nature of the modern environment. Caudate
hyperactivity in the ancestral past may have led to the potentiation of
important procedural and habitual movements, increasing reliance on action
patterns that had proven effective. In modern society it may simply lead to the
intrusion of eccentric responses. The existence of TS may represent natural
human variation and may demonstrate that sometimes it was adaptive to allow the
basal ganglia and its procedural memories to dominate behavior uninhibited.
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