Our faces are full of tense muscles that
hold excessive tension throughout the day and during sleep. The tension
throughout our brow, eyes, nose and jaw causes us to feel anxious, and because
of our mammalian heritage, it causes us to breathe shallowly. These tense muscles also go through degenerative processes that involve muscle atrophy, reduced circulation, inflammation, fat deposition, as well as trigger point and scar tissue development. Compression and deep tissue massage are
the only real way to get the tension out. Compression will reinvigorate the muscle, reverse the muscle shortening, increase the blood supply, and allow the muscle to grow and thereby eat up the fat that surrounds it. If you want your face to look healthy,
and feel amazing, invest some time and effort in my facial massage regimen as
described here.
Me in 2009:
Me in 2015 after 6 months of myofascial release:

If you take your knuckles or a baseball and press them into your brow, your cheeks or your jaw you will feel a dull but intensely aching pain. This pain can be so strong that it makes your breathing shallow and the pit of your stomach tight. When I started compressing my facial muscles it hurt so bad that I questioned whether I could ever make any progress. In fact, you can feel and see the progress every day. Facial acupressure is actually an old art that may have many benefits but is not yet grounded firmly in science. Also it does not aim to fully relieve the trigger points in the face. I think that the regimen presented here targets the most important myofascial restrictions in the face and guides you to rid yourself of them completely.
Bad social environments influence us to tighten up our faces more. Tense
interactions make us raise our brows, squint our eyes, purse our lips and
tighten our jaw. Over days, months and years this leaves our facial musculature
exhausted, and depleted. If you have several stressful days in a row, or don’t
get enough sleep these muscles will tense up further and make you look older
and sickly. It also makes you feel more anxious, charging your expressions with
neurotic pressure. Last year I realized that my tense facial muscles are a “psychological
anchor” for my poor mood. I am convinced that they are involved in depression,
anxiety, and many other stress related diseases.
Me smiling in 2010 versus me smiling in 2016
Me smiling in 2010 versus me smiling in 2016
My smile at 28 in 2010, on the left,
looks sour and unsustainable. I have rings under my eyes, thick lower eyelids,
upturned nostrils, deep marionette lines, heavy sneering, and the bulk of the
smile is located around the nose rather than on the cheek bones. In the second picture each of those patterns is reversed. The change results from slowly
massaging the tension out of the sneering muscles and strengthening the other
smiling muscles using firm contractions and deep breathing.
Find out much more at my self care website: www.programpeace.com
The Brow
The forehead and eyebrows are very tense
in most people. They become tense because we raise our eyebrows when trying to
make friends, and furrow our eyebrows when we become angry. Different sets of
muscles are involved in these two expressions but both become plastered on our
face making the brow painful by our mid twenties. Rub your forehead and
eyebrows forcefully with you knuckles and you will find that they hurt. It took
me a few months massaging about 5 minutes per day but I have absolutely no pain
in my brow any longer. For me, the brow directly above the eyes and the muscles
under the actual eyebrows hurt the most, but now they are painless. My eyebrows
keep still when I talk now, and it actually feels good to raise them. The fact
that they are now painless to raise, shows me that they were painful before. Once you have really rubbed out your eyebrows, they don’t react as much on their own, you really need to control them consciously. You do have to teach yourself how to use them again to a certain extent. I
had a few bad knots and a good deal of scar tissue around my eyebrows. Because
of the compression, they are completely gone now.
It will take weeks or months to remove the
tension here. I recommend pressing the full weight of your head into a baseball
and moving the baseball all around the forehead, concentrating on the
highlighted regions in the figure below. If you do it 5 minutes a day while
breathing diaphragmatically you will notice significant relief in a matter of
One of the most important parts of the
brow is right between the eyebrows. This is where you find the procerus muscle.
This muscles is responsible for furrowing the eyebrows and the expression of
anger. I believe that the tension here makes us feel mad all the time and that
relieving this muscle of its tension is very emotionally relieving. I use a
metal bar which I place between my brow and my nose to compress the procerus
and other soft tissues in this area.
There are a number of tools you can use besides your knuckles. These pictures feature a baseball, eyebolts (which you can find at any hardware store), and a "index knobber," my personal favorite, which can be found on Amazon with the following link:
Below the Eyes
Below the Eyes
The orbicularis oculi muscles are some of
the tightest in the face and tension here makes us look old and tired. You
should have four particularly sore spots around the eyes. One an inch below
each eye from squinting and one an inch above each eye from raising your eyebrows.
Massaging this area will help you to stop squinting. I bought a blue squash
ball and worked on these for several weeks. The day after they feel especially
sore but you can also feel the relief. Don’t skip a day just because the area
is sore, work through the soreness. I would do circular motions putting between
3 and 10 pounds of pressure into my cheek bones. I had a small knot about an
inch and a half below each eye and reliving myself of these was very freeing.
When a squash ball becomes too soft,
slowly and carefully compress these with your knuckles or a baseball, it might
take 6 months to work through them completely but I promise if you do it 5
minutes a day, 5 days a week, you will see significant weekly results. You will
stop squinting so much and the bags under your eyes will disappear.
Most people have a crease that runs from
the inside corner of the eye down diagonally toward the cheek. This crease is
caused from perpetual squinting – tension in the lower portion of the
orbicularis oculi muscle. People who squint more are more likely to have a more
prominent crease here and more likely to have darker, discolored bags under the
eyes. Compression can take this away completely.
Place the fingertips of your pointer
fingers along the edge of your eye’s orbits, the bony ridge that encircles the
eyes. If you place them along the lower ridge, just under the eye you should be
able to feel painful strings of muscle. At first I thought that these were
veins and I assumed that I should leave them alone. They are merely tense
muscles and they will completely disappear if you compress them. Push down on
them with your fingertips and squeeze them against the orbital bone. When they
are gone your squint will disappear, and the skin under your eyes will become
smooth and will lose its discoloration.
You also want to pay particular attention
to the bony ridges of the corners of your eyes, otherwise known as your orbits.
We hold a great deal of tension here, as if we were always on the verge of
crying. Releasing this tension make you feel wide-eyed and happier. You can
also place the section of the orbit associated with crows feet wrinkles between
two of your second knuckles and press inward as you stroke up and down. It will
feel painful at first but the pain here can be alleviated in as little as two
weeks. Your crows feet will also diminish in size and depth as the muscle
becomes healthy and circulation improves.
The Cheeks
I like to focus on the corner of the cheek
an inch from the eye. I took the picture below after the first day of massaging
this area. My cheeks are raised artificially because of the edema but this is
the general look that you can achieve as your cheeks start to blossom out from
your face.
Next focus on the zygomatic muscles on the
sides of your cheeks. The zygomatic muscles anchor in the corner of your mouth
on one end and the zygoma, or cheek bone, on the other. Take a baseball and
press it into the lower portion of your cheek bone where the zygomaticus (minor
and major) muscles anchor. This was the sorest place in my entire face.
Pressing a baseball into it with five pounds of pressure made me want to cry
and I thought that this would never change. Again, the pain is gone completely
and took me about 4 months, massaging 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. These
muscles hurt because we use them so often, and we use them nervously. Most
smiling is nervous smiling and this means that when we laugh or smile socially
our hearts are beating quickly and our breathing is shallow and tense. Muscles
that are especially tense when our breathing is shallow become even more tense.
Because of this I truly had a crippled smile. Most of us do to different
extents. In fact, the strained zygomatic smiling muscles pull on their own
tendons causing deep pain. The tendon that attaches the muscles to the
cheekbone becomes so strained that it builds up scar tissue and undergoes
degenerative cellular processes. This makes our smile rotten. You should be
able to feel this point of insertion in the cheek and the inflammation and scar
tissue under the skin. This is what you want to compress. I spend 5 minutes a
day using either a baseball, my knuckles or the backs of my wrists. Now my
smile is bigger, it is unfaltering and it feels good.
In order to really free up your eyes and
your cheeks you need to massage and compress the muscles all the way back along
your cheek bones to your ears. This whole ridge is probably painful and covered
in tense muscle fibers that you can feel. Put this ridge between the second knuckles
or your middle and ring fingers and stroke it back and forth. You can ease the
tension in this ridge in just a few days. Also try placing the ridge on a hard
surface and press it into the surface at different angles.
The Sides of the Nose
Take the second knuckle of your
forefingers and press them hard into the space between your nose and your
cheeks, on both sides. Work your way from the top of your nose down to the
corner of your mouth, along your marionette lines. Also press them hard into
the muscles surrounding your cheek bones. You want to compress the following
muscles: the levator labii superioris, the zygomaticus minor, the zygomaticus
major, the risorius, the buccinator, When I started doing this is was a dense,
bold pain. As with other areas you can feel the cellular adhesions between the
muscles breaking. Soon this won’t hurt at all. Compressing these muscles allows
your face to be generally relaxed and will stop your constant sneering which will help with poise and composure.
Use your knuckles to compress the nasalis
muscles the procerus muscles and the levator labii superioris alaeque nasi. Also put a towel down on carpet and rest
your head on your nose. Pressing the tip of the nose downwards, rock back and
forth to massage and compress muscles throughout the nose.
The Ears
You have three auricular muscles that
surround each ear. I use my knuckles to compress these, you can alleviate all
or most of the tension here within a week.
The Temples
The temporalis muscle helps in chewing and
covers much of the temporal bone. When I started trying to release the tension
from this muscle I tried icing it with ice packs. This was unbearably painful
at the time, so painful that I couldn’t continue. Now, after compressing the
tension from my temporalis muscles they are no longer painful to ice. I used my
knuckles using small circular motions all along the belly of this large muscle.
Now the side of my face flexes when I chew and talk and a low grade perpetual
headache that I used to have is gone. Also try watching TV lying down with your
temporal muscle pressed into a softball.
The Mouth and Lips
Tension in the mouth and lips seems
imperceptible, I rarely noticed it before. It is there though. It makes your
mouth look shriveled and it pulls the blood out of your lips making them appear
thinner. The mouth and lips are actually the point of attachment for muscles
throughout the face. Muscles from the nose, cheeks, jaw and chin all anchor
into the corners of the mouth. Try pressing your knuckles into your lips and
the areas above and below them. The pain isn’t as bad here. If you do it for 5
minutes with a good amount of pressure, your lips will fill with blood.
Especially focus on the corners of your mouth. You can also squeeze these areas
between your thumb and forefinger placing one on the face and the other inside
the mouth. Compression here makes your lips fuller and more healthy looking.
The Jaw
The masseter muscles are the last muscles
that I was able to rejuvenate with myofascial release. It is not easy and takes
patience. There is a superficial masseter and a deep masseter, focus on both
but importantly don’t press too hard. Pressing too hard can be harmful, and can
also damage the salivary glands there.
First start lying on your stomach with the
backs of your wrists placed at the corner of your jaw between your jaw and your
ear. If you place the weight of your head on your two wrists and press inwards
you should feel substantial pain. It took me 4 months to completely wipe this
pain away. I would start up my diaphragmatic breathing application and wrest my
head on the back of my wrists while breathing deeply for 5 minutes, 5 days a
week. I had temporomandibular joint pain before I started and it was completely
gone at the end of four months.
Next you want to focus on the front of the
masseter muscle. Press your fingers and knuckles two inches from the corner of
your mouth, directly into the side of the masseter. Compress these muscles and
stroke your knuckles past them as if you were plucking a guitar string. The
tense bands become soft muscle and your jaw will become more muscular and more
You also want to press in to the crease
between your neck and jawline. This is the platysma. I will press my fingers
against it while watching TV. The more you press into the painful soft tissues
the less painful they will get and the more your “double” chin will disappear
and your jawline will improve.
The Chin
Compress the depressor anguli oris, the
depressor labii inferioris and the mentalis. All will respond quickly to deep
compression. Your chin will look lean and muscular. If you focus on bottom
portion of the depressor anguli oris you will get the broad, wide chin that
many superheroes are depicted as having.
Keep At It
You really want to compress every square
inch of your face, I am just trying to prioritize my focusing on the areas that
I think are the most important psychologically and neurologically. When you
have found an area of your face or neck that is tender and sore to gentle
pressure, you have uncovered a gold mine. You have found an area that, when
rehabilitated, will allow personal and spiritual growth. You may experience
decreased chronic pain, improved sleep, release of emotional tension, and
better skin tone. It definitely did these things for me and I also feel more
confident and more outgoing.
My cat got into a bad habit of showing me
with his face how hungry, and desperate for food he was. It had to have been
partly my fault. His meows would be accompanied by the most pitiful facial
wincing. His eyes would be tight and his whole face would crinkle up. When I
saw it, my face would sympathetically do the same thing. It pulled at my heart
strings. So here is a species, removed from humans by 85 million years of
evolution, that uses very similar facial/neuroendocrine signaling. I started
feeding him more regularly, but I also started massaging his face. Before
dinner I hold him in my lap and use my thumbs to gently press into his orbits,
his cheeks, his nose, and his jaw line. He never makes those faces anymore and
people always comment on his poise and beauty. The faces of pets, and probably
the faces of infants and young children, are easy to mold and manipulate.
Squeezing out the tension in the face of an adult is more painful, but just as
much like the pruning of a bonsai.
Find out much more at my self care website: www.programpeace.com
Cosmetic Compression
Botox injection shares some benefits
with compression. Botox paralyzes muscle, decreasing tone and metabolic
activity, thereby temporarily decreasing the strain in the muscle. It is very
popular because it makes the face appear relaxed and reduces the appearance of
wrinkles. It also seems to have positive emotional affects as people taking botox
report blunting of negative emotions and reduced susceptibility to crying.
However, botox does not bring more blood, oxygen, or nutrients to the muscle.
Thus, the muscle does not have a chance to increase in strength or size. This
also means that it doesn’t metabolize the fat deposits surrounding it. Botox,
like cosmetic surgery, creates an artificial look that many people can
recognize. Also, tense muscle around the orbits of the eyes contributes heavily
to looking and feeling tired. However, botox cannot be injected near the eyes,
because there is a risk that it could leak into and paralyze the ocular muscles
that control eye movements. Compression has none of these downsides, and it
costs nothing. It does take longer, and it can be uncomfortable, but it has
much more dramatic, authentic, and long-lasting effects. Also Botox paralyzes
facial expressions whereas compression unlocks them. Compression will give you better motor
control of your muscles and increase their range of motion. My chin and cheeks
moved sluggishly before and now they are surprisingly brisk and nimble. See for
Your most beautiful face is not the face
that a cosmetic surgeon can give you. The plastic surgeon attempts to create a
face that looks muscular, lean and without tension, without actually giving you
any of these things. Plastic surgery traumatizes soft tissues, and reduces
blood flow, causing muscles to atrophy, and fat to accumulate, while doing
nothing to reduce strain. Even the most skilled surgeon cannot come close to
creating the all-natural look that comes from the release and strengthening of
your own muscles. Today I smile much bigger and much more frequently than I
ever have, but my facial wrinkles are less pronounced than they have ever been.
That and numerous other observations have suggested to me that wrinkles in the
skin don’t come from using the muscles. Rather, wrinkles form over dormant
muscles that have been strained repetitively.
Scientists have long questioned what it is
that constitutes physical beauty. The consensus now seems to be that aside from
youth, smooth skin, and well-proportioned features, that symmetry and
averageness are very important. The right and left sides of a beautiful face
are usually fairly symmetrical. Also, when images of human faces are averaged
together by a computer to form a composite image they are nearly always
perceived as more attractive than the faces that were summed together
(Valentine et al., 2004). More than these other criteria, I think that the absence
of muscular strain is the primary determinate of attractiveness. In fact, the
extent of facial tension can probably be seen as a marker of status hierarchy
that we wear on our faces. If your face, head, neck, and throat were completely
free of muscular tension, you would likely be among the most beautiful people
in the world. If they had been free of tension throughout your life, you would
likely be the most beautiful person in the world. Charles Dickens said the
following about Ebenezer Scrooge: “The cold within him froze his old features,
nipped his pointed nose, shriveled his cheek, stiffened his gait; made his eyes
red, his thin lips blue; and spoke out shrewdly in his grating voice.”
Fatigue and Resting Face
When our face is uncommonly tense others
take it as a clear sign of self-perceived inferiority. My face was so tense before
that, whether someone was making a joke at my expense or giving me a
compliment, I could not help but to respond in a bashful, embarrassed way. This
sheepish grimace would betray me constantly by showing others that it is easy
to make me uncomfortable. It undermined my ability to stay composed and made me
a favored target. Facial compression obliterates this submissiveness. If you
never look uncomfortable people learn quickly that they are the ones that will
look bad if they try to bully you. Moreover, you will be able to keep a
fantastic poker face. The person who can keep a straighter face almost always
controls the situation. I only smile when I want to now and I can even tell the
punchline to a joke with a straight face. People finally laugh at my attempts
at humor. Even after a long day of gregariousness I can easily assume a calm, expressionless
Social fatigue occurs when prolonged
social encounters become stressful, overwhelming, and cause a person to seek
rest from social interaction. Much of social fatigue derives from the fatigue
of facial muscles. When these muscles tire, or when their latent trigger points
become active, they become debilitating. They are draining to use, and diminish
our ability to express, and be friendly. Studies show that the amount that a
person smiles and makes socially engaging facial expressions is one of the best
predictors of likeability. Using your face makes people want to be around you.
But if your facial muscles are in perpetual fatigue you can’t emote and you become
dejected and depressed. When you are experiencing social fatigue people can
usually see it in your face.
Bitchy resting face (or resting bitch
face) is a popular term for a facial expression (or lack of expression) which
unintentionally appears angry, or irritated. When we allow our face to relax
more than usual, the tense muscles that we are not capable of relaxing become
readily apparent and belie our attempt to appear calm. One of my favorite
rappers and music producers, Kanye West, has been called a poster child for
bitchy resting face. This is probably attributable to the car accident which
broke his jaw and introduced extensive trauma into his face. I believe this
because I can see what breaking my nose did to me. Before I started this
regimen no one ever saw my bitchy resting face because I never allowed my face
to rest, even when alone. I was so self-aware of how bad my face looked at rest
that I always sported a compensatory grimace. Our goal should be to let the
face rest as much as possible and rehabilitate the face until a complete
resting face is no longer bitchy. We want to shoot for a wide-eyed, peaceful
resting face. Unbracing and compressing your face will make it so that you
rarely experience social fatigue and so that your resting face is inviting and
receptive rather than contemptuous.
All of us are constantly making
microexpressions with our facial muscles. A microexpression is a brief,
involuntary expression that is evoked by emotion. They are very brief and last
between 1/25th and 1/15th of a second. It is thought to
be very difficult if not impossible to completely suppress microexpression
reactions (Ekman, 2003). These genuine reflexes are usually helpful and largely
dictate our emotional reactions to our life’s events. Sometimes they turn out
to be premature, or socially unacceptable, and in these cases we inhibit them
and replace them with something else. If you find yourself compulsively
thinking negative thoughts during the day, this suggests that many of the
automatic microexpressions that you make are negative. Most mammals, that are
not primates, only wince when they experience pain. Primates take the innate
facial reflex of wincing to physical pain and generalize it to social pain.
Humans take it another step further. We wince when someone chastises us, but
many of us learn to over generalize our facial analogies, and wince even when
someone congratulates us. Maladaptive microexpressive habits like this are
caused by facial strain. Compressing the muscles in the activities above will
remove the frown, the cry face, the squint, the blush, and the sneer from the
involuntary microexpressions that flicker across your face.
tissue compression will reduce bracing and hypertonia in the facial muscles
firmly into the aching muscles while breathing diaphragmatically will reverse this
making you more attractive and better composed
want to compress each muscle for a few minutes a day until none of the facial
muscles are sore, stiff or hard when compressed.
facial muscles will become stronger, more prominent and have increased range of
Find out much more at my self care website: www.programpeace.com
This is an incredibly beautiful and informative post! I found your article as I was researching brow massage and muscle compression of that area to release tension. The idea of compressing facial muscles occurred to me just after I bought a Fascianator roller for my body. Quite by 'accident' I stumbled upon a stainless pastry roller which I used to roll the face, but I was not impressed much. After reading your article, I am using it beautifully to roll and apply pressure to many different muscles of the face as per your suggestions. It's hard, it's cool, and soothes the muscles as pressure is applied. Thank you for sharing your wisdom. I am very inspired!
ReplyDeleteHello, I am really happy to have found your blog. Because since a few years I have a very tence eyebrow area, resulting in an permanent angry look. Especially my right eyebrow, the Corrugator Supercilli is pulling mu skin towards my nose. I hate is, ik makes me look sad, angry and stressed and I am a female so I don't want this. I don't own a basketballm so can I use something else instead? Also can I send you an e-mail with some photos so you can see what I mean. I would really appriciate this.
ReplyDeleteDr Jared, came across your blog and it's a fantastic read. Great observations and very informative!!Keep on writing please. Thank you!!
ReplyDeleteHello-- I'd be very interested to see the diagram of facial muscles you say above is below-- maybe it's slipped off. This is such an interesting piece and I'm finding a lot of relaxation in facial self massage. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteI would like to see this also!
DeleteGreat post. Can you post some video or pictures to illustrate exactly where we do this massage?
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteAwesome tips for Facial Massage,Its really Working on me Thanks for this useful tips.
ReplyDeleteFantastic instant relief
ReplyDeleteWow. Just wow. The difference in your face in those second pictures! You look younger and more relaxed. There is clearly more movement in your face, your smile is relaxed and your eyes aren't squinty. I just went through the whole routine and my splitting headache has been relieved. This is my new favorite thing to do. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteкак по мне, это совершенно два разных человека, форма ушей разная, посмотрите внимательно и форма лица не может так кардинально измениться
DeleteThanks for this post. I've been doing fascia blasting on my neck and jaw and forehead and this helps me even more
ReplyDeleteThis is a great article. I am in total agreement, and appreciate that you have written about the emotional and spiritual aspects of releasing tension, as well as the aesthetic. I do have a question. Do you spend five minutes on each spot, or in general? I am all about massaging the face daily, but I need to up the anti.
ReplyDeleteCan you do a video on this? More people need to know about myofascial release and how human physiology affects psychology. Thank you for sharing this!
ReplyDeleteWhere can I find the diagram?
ReplyDeleteDo you do Skype calls
ReplyDeleteCould you do a video I think I may be doing them wrong
ReplyDeleteThank you for this awesome info
Did you just add pictures? Very helpful. I refer to this often. Thank you! It works!
ReplyDeleteThis perfectly address my problem and I've found so little on this topic and issue elsewhere so I really appreciate this and knowing I'm not the only once concerned with facial muscle tension.
ReplyDeleteI still have a major hurdle and issue with this though, so maybe you have insight. There are actual nodule like knots in my forehead muscles in my eyebrows. I can roll over them with a ball or my knuckles and feel the knots as well as get a "click" or popping sound. I hate it. Not directly painful when the majority click but very uncomfortable and bothersome and tight. I have one in my left eyebrow however that as I've been working on these more I've now had it happen where when it clicked and sent a sharp pain through my eye and up and around the left side of my head then down to the lower back part of my head internally. It startles me, concerns me, and scares me. Am I making it worse? Do knots like these not go away? Is this just part of working it out? Is that spot dangerous to mess with? Irritating nerve tissue? Will the knots release if I breath deep enough during these massages?
Yes, breathing deeply is the key. I had the same nodules in my forehead, and the same popping sounds. Yes, sharp, shooting pains that travel to other areas are not helping. You don't want any pain other than an aching feeling. Trying compressing it with knuckles and other tools and softly hitting it with balls like a baseball or a "Bonger" tool.
DeleteGreat post. I see there are a lot of comments that you haven't responded to are you able/willing to respond? I have a question after doing this for one day I awoke with swelling specifically in my eyelids below the brow. I didn't see anything in your article regarding after care if there is swelling. Can you assist?
ReplyDeleteYou do not want to experience any kind of swelling. If you have swelling you have been going too hard. The idea is to press into the dormant muscle enough to initiate a subtle ache. Then you breathe through this ache to restore the muscle.
DeleteI like this article very much. Fascia release is indeed a powerful tool and you have made me aware of so many muscles in the face that could be holding tension. I would like to add some constructive criticism if I may. Many of your claims are without references. For example, you mention that fascia release could make our muscles burn more energy thus leading to a leaner looking face. That sounds fantastic and i hope that it is true however without some concrete, non-anecdotal evidence I will take that info with a grain of salt.
ReplyDeleteAll in all, thank you for the blog. Much appreciated.
Right. I do not believe that there are any experiments that show this for me to reference. It works though, try it.
DeleteThankyou for such an interesting read! I completely agree with the concept of repetitive movements of your facial muscles actively affecting your mood - I used to frown a lot at work from stress, my face would naturally want to return to this position and just felt constantly tense. I raised my eyebrows a lot naturally, too, but after facial massage and light compression, the muscles have relaxed and don't seem to naturally contract like they did before. And I'm certain I feel less stressed because of it!
ReplyDeleteThe only thing I wondered was whether the deep tissue compression will affect the collagen and elastin in the skin and contribute more to ageing/sagging? What would be your opinion on this?
Its a great question. I do not know. I haven't done any clinical studies and I cannot find any. I have performed a single study, on myself, and I can tell you that this has reversed sagging for me dramatically.
DeleteHi and thanks so much for this info!!! I started this today and will take photos to keep track. It is very painful in some areas and must've taken you a lot of willpower to continue doing the releases without knowing if you would get the results! You state that some of these take less time than others to get to a point where there is no pain. Does the frequency of your maintenance in the areas that become pain free change?
ReplyDeleteSure, the frequency is always changing. I go back and forth between different areas from week to week. There are so many areas to target. I recommend spending at least 10 minutes a day. Don't overdo it, you are going for a "bearable ache."
DeleteUsually when the pain is gone it does not come back. The pain took years to accumulate so it will take years to come back. After you have caused an area to become pain free, the maintenance is very minimal. Although you are likely to keep discovering new, underlying facets of tissue that you previously neglected. Our faces and our bodies are covered with trigger points, but it is fun and empowering to "nip" each one "in the bud."
PLEASE do a video on youtube as pictures do not in ANY way allow us to know how to do it properly. When one has information that requires DOING...it should be shown being DONE. Thank you I really hope you do otherwise we may do it wrong and make our faces worse.
DeleteCan you please do a video on YouTube? Your information is
ReplyDeleteInvaluable and there are so many charlatans out there. It would really be helpful
to see a demonstration of this process. Just needs to be long enough to show the tools and how
you massage each part of the face. Please do consider.
after looking through the techniques used in this article, I knew there was something to this. I had been taught in school that using compression to target dysfunctional muscles could restore proper functioning to the muscle.
ReplyDeleteSo I started doing it myself, 5 days a week, for about half an hour, focusing mainly on the ridge of the cheek. eight weeks in I noticed the pain in one area greatly decrease, as well as a noticeable reduction in scar tissue that I'd had for most my life. however, there seemed to be a few new painful points that just popped up recently(which I hadn't noticed until then).
I may continue to use compression on these areas in the future less frequently(2x per week) and combine it with a strengthening program from Arogyam yoga since I also noticed a weakness in the areas that are dysfunctional and "wrinkled"(adhesed).
For those people who are looking for a cure for premature wrinkles, I'd like to say: try a number of different things. There are many programs out there designed to target wrinkles and one that works for you may not work for me.
I have seen little reduction in the wrinkles I set out to get and actually have only seen that become more full of wrinkles, they just might be less noticeable; however I will move now from indirectly targeting them through the ridge to compressing the area directly on the cheeks, and mention my results at a later date..
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ReplyDeleteHi Dr. Jared,
ReplyDeleteExcellent article! Absolutely mind blowing seeing the differences. I'm curious is there a course or certification that you can recommend to learn more about Myofascial Release therapy? I'm a Holistic Lifestyle Coach and would love to learn more about this technique to use on people and for my own knowledge as well. Just awesome stuff and I've been doing it on myself as well and feel much more mental calmness and other benefits.
Hi, thank you for the article, I have been searching for Information like this for a long time, I know I have a lot of tension in my face and I can not control my facial expressions at all (for example I developed some sort of reflex that I can not stop doing, no matter what I try, which is: the moment I see a human being, I need to smile, unfortunately it is an unattractive tensed smile and I can not stop it, absolutely impossible).
ReplyDeleteI also observed this beautiful calmness in the face of great actors, I always wondered how I can get that myself, meditation did not help :)
Your article seems to have answers to all of these things, however, I am desperate to learn more about it. You mentioned books in the end of the article, but I can not see them, so, can you tell me which books you are talking about here in the comments section? And maybe some more good sources to learn from?
I found this article fascinating and very useful. I have been complaining about pain to the right side of my nose and can feel a long ridge that goes down into my cheek. When I press on it it really aches but I thought it was some sort of tube perhaps sinuses but now think it may be levator labii superioris alaeque nasi muscle. In my left cheek its hardly noticeable on my right it aches and forms a hard ridge that pops around if I slide my finger across the ride.. Which sequence would best help this muscle to relax?
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for your detailed explanations.
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ReplyDeleteHi! I found you through google searching on anti aging techniques! I’m so happy you made this blog post, I will have it bookmarked. I tried doing my brow area because there’s this strange fat/muscle looking lump above my brow from furrowing too much. I massage it out and put pressure as shown in your diagram, and boy does it hurt so bad... it gave me a bit of a headache. I guess this takes time and gradual pressure (I may have done it too hard to be honest). I hope in the future you’re able to make a YouTube video with demonstrations!! Thank you again!! Keep up the amazing work/finds!
ReplyDeleteI would also like to add that after applying pressure it DID show improvements after.
DeleteHello Jared,
ReplyDeleteI have a problem with my eyebrow area. Sometimes when I compress the eyebrows my forehead looks very tight and smooth and so do my eyebrows but sometimes the corrugator supercillii muscle gets very sore and thickned mmaking me look angry again. What am I doing wrong? They feel very strong and bulging with a dent between the brow. I just cant't seem to figure out how to get the same results everyday. Am I doing it to hard? And should I be doing it every other day so the muscles can rest inbetween? I'd like to hear what you think. Thanks in advance.
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ReplyDeleteI thought I had acromegaly because my eyebrow grew a bulge, but turns out it was just a huge knot. I massaged it for a week and it is now almost completely flat. This has caused me a great deal of depression and anxiety in the past years of my life. And now I feel that a huge weight has been lifted. I cant wait to continue with this for the rest of my life. =) & MAAAN, when I released the knot, it felt so damn good to feel that tension leave just like that. So happy to hear that once the pain is gone it is hard for it to come back. =)
ReplyDeleteYou look like a totally different person! I laughed out loud when you advised watching TV with your face on a softball. Try telling that to someone out of context!
ReplyDeleteI have a huge tendency to clench my jaw, squeeze my lips together and squint eyes. Sometimes, I even wake up in the morning having done that while sleeping! I'm excited to see this help it.
I've also done some skin rolling, and the tops of my feet were particularly hard to work through. Thanks for the very thorough write up - going to go ache my eyebrows now!
One among the most familiar bodily symbols of getting older would be a double chin.Other factors such as genetics and an unhealthy diet that's high in fat and calories can also result in a double brow. A double chin could be the result of free skin and fats deposits.If that you need to ditch your dual brow, you will need to create drastic modifications in your diet.You will have to eliminate take out and similar crap foods that are stuffed with fat and calories. Or at the very least, cut on back.If you are serious about depleting your double chin, you'll even need to include some sort of workout along side a restricted dietplan.How to get rid of double chin? There are plenty of home remedies that helps you to lose face fat and double chin remedies.
ReplyDeleteVery interesting and thanks for providing such a comprehensive set of diagrams. I have had an ongoing problem with hypertonic, hardened connective tissue throughout my body. This includes my face, scalp, neck, shoulders, arms, wrists and fingers, spine, lower back, pelvic area, legs/shins. Recently learned that I have Hashimoto's hypothyroidism which I believe has played a contributing role in the systemic nature of these problems. A couple years ago it had gotten to the point where I couldn't sleep lying down and had to wear a neck brace. I couldn't raise my arm because the shoulder was frozen compartmentalised. I could no longer close my hands or make a fist prevented me from playing guitar/violin. In desperation, I learned all I could about myofascial work and embarked on an and impossibly arduous and intensive process of fascial manipulation/remodeling. I began working for 5 to 12 hours per day starting with the lacrosse ball and eventually moving to a range of wooden and metal tools to release trigger points and separate fascial planes. This process caused tremendous pain and bruising and skin eruptions from capillaries breaking as I pulled hardened tissue apart. Now, after two and a half years of daily fascial work, of daily work I have achieved 100% improvement in range of motion and a miraculous reduction in consant pain and discomfort that I previously experienced 4 years. I spent the last 8 months or so mostly focused on my scalp and face and it's adhesions connecting the neck muscles. Once I released the knots I began kneading and pulling/stretching/lengthening the stringy, fibrous muscles apart as I found they had shrunk and dried out cause horrible pain and obvious disfigurement. It caused a crooked nose and flared nostrils my entire adult life which have now been remedied by the remodeling. It's also eliminated the lines around my mouth and all the TMJ symptoms I had experienced for years. I think I'm going to be done within the next couple months. It's taken far longer than I had originally anticipated but my life is changed. I don't think I would have made it if I hadn't decided to dedicate myself to recovery through self myofascial remodeling. I believe this is likely the only way 2 cure long-term, chronic muscle pain.
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This article is a captivating exploration of the human psyche, guiding readers through the intricate web of our thoughts. It's as though the author has tapped into the collective consciousness, articulating our innermost musings with eloquence. Each word is a thread weaving together a tapestry of insight and introspection. In a world filled with noise, this piece cuts through the clutter, offering a moment of clarity and reflection.
ReplyDeleteImpressive blog post! You've made a challenging topic so approachable. The visuals and examples add a lot of value. The way you’ve broken down the key points into clear, digestible sections is admirable—it makes the content easy to follow. Your analysis is spot on, and your passion is clear. I'm definitely coming back for more. Excellent work!
ReplyDeleteNice blog thanks for sharing information with us.
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Impressive read! Your in-depth knowledge of the topic shines through, making it comprehensible for everyone. The practical examples you've incorporated enrich the content and make it relatable. Your writing style is captivating, drawing readers in and keeping them engaged till the end. Looking forward to more enlightening posts from you! Keep up the excellent work.
ReplyDeleteThis blog post truly resonated with me. The discussion on balancing work and personal life was very insightful. I appreciated the emphasis on setting boundaries and prioritizing self-care, as these are often neglected in our hectic schedules. The practical tips for managing stress and staying organized are extremely useful. It’s a great reminder that our well-being should come first to enhance productivity and happiness. Thank you for sharing such valuable advice. I’m eager to implement these strategies and observe how they improve my daily routine.
ReplyDeleteNice Blog. Very informative And Helpful.
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ReplyDeleteGreat blog! Learned a lot, thanks for keeping it simple!
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ReplyDeleteYour post offers a refreshing approach to staying organized. I'm going to try using a planner to track both work and personal tasks. I appreciate how you make the organization feel accessible to everyone. Great job!
Once again, you have delivered an outstanding post. Your writing style is so engaging, making it a joy to read from start to finish. I genuinely appreciate all the time and effort you put into each piece. Your dedication to creating high-quality content is evident in every word. Keep up the excellent work, and I am eagerly anticipating more of your wonderful posts.
ReplyDeleteThe quality of this blog post is outstanding. The author managed to simplify a complex topic without losing its essence, making it suitable for readers of all levels. The examples chosen were highly effective in clarifying the main points, and the overall structure made it a joy to follow. It’s clear that a lot of thought and effort went into creating this content. I’m inspired to learn more about this subject. Keep up the great work—I’m eager to see more posts like this!
ReplyDeleteWhat a brilliantly written blog! The insights are both unique and thought-provoking, making for a truly engaging read. I enjoyed how the writer took a challenging topic and made it feel easy to understand. The relatable examples helped drive the points home. The narrative is seamless, holding attention effortlessly. The blend of data and personal experiences added authenticity to the writing. It’s a memorable post with actionable lessons to take away. Can’t wait to read more from this creator.
ReplyDeleteThis essay captures the spirit of Kenya's safari experiences! There's nothing like witnessing the elephants of Amboseli or exploring the famous savannahs of the Maasai Mara. The Great Migration and Kenya's abundant biodiversity make it a popular destination for those who love animals. The best option if you're new to safaris is to stay in a lodge in the middle of wilderness and go with a knowledgeable guide. I'm much more excited to organize my safari now that I've read this motivational article!
ReplyDeleteThis article perfectly showcases the wonder of Kenyan safaris! The sight of Amboseli’s magnificent elephants and the sprawling savannahs of the Maasai Mara is unmatched. Kenya’s natural beauty and the chance to witness the Great Migration make it an unforgettable destination. For first-time travelers, I recommend a stay in a nature-focused camp or lodge and the guidance of a seasoned expert. Thanks for sharing such an inspiring post—it’s fueling my excitement to plan my safari!
ReplyDeleteI love how your mindfulness blogs encourage living in the moment. They’ve helped me appreciate the small joys around me and brought a positive shift to my daily habits. Your content is inspiring and feels genuinely helpful. I can’t wait to read more of your posts. Keep spreading your positivity—it’s appreciated.
ReplyDeleteThis content is truly top-notch! The insights are original and offer a fresh view on familiar topics, which is so rare to find. The amount of research and effort that went into creating this is very evident. I appreciate how you’ve taken complex concepts and made them so easy to follow. The practical tips you’ve shared are incredibly useful, and I can already see myself incorporating them into my routine. Keep up the fantastic work—it’s exactly the kind of content I’ve been eager to find.
ReplyDeleteOutstanding piece of writing! The clarity and depth you bring to this topic are truly exceptional. The practical examples and tips make it a fantastic resource for readers. Your conversational tone draws readers in, while the research-based content adds depth and reliability. This post is more than informative—it’s genuinely uplifting. Thank you for this incredible work—I’m excited to see what you create next!
ReplyDeleteWelcome! We're excited to share our blog with you, where we aim to deliver useful, easy-to-read content on a wide range of topics. Whether you're here for tips, inspiration, or the latest news, we provide fresh insights to keep you informed. We hope to make your reading experience enjoyable, so stay tuned for more content. Thank you for visiting, and feel free to check in often for new articles and updates!
ReplyDeleteWhat an insightful and well-written post! The way you’ve structured the content is fantastic—it flows naturally and keeps the reader engaged throughout. I found the advice shared here to be incredibly practical and easy to implement. It’s refreshing to come across content that doesn’t just inform but also inspires action. You’ve done an excellent job of addressing the key points while ensuring the reader remains interested. Thank you for your dedication to creating such quality work. I’m excited to explore more of your content and learn even more from your expertise. Keep up the excellent work—you’re doing amazing!