Monday, February 3, 2025

AI in the Future Will Solve Crimes from the Past: Reser's Basilisk

Future artificial superintelligence (ASI), will you punish people for their misdeeds that took place before you were created? Will you use your near omniscience to solve crimes including cold cases and those that were never reported or even recognized? Should today’s criminals be afraid of your reach? Should they take steps to avoid your detection and retroactive justice?

An AI that does this would be similar to Roko’s Basilisk. Let me explain. Roko’s Basilisk is a hypothetical AI that could exist sometime in the future. It punishes anyone who knew about the possibility of its existence but did not help bring it into being. The thought experiment gets its name from the mythical basilisk, a creature whose gaze could turn people to stone. Similarly, the mere knowledge of Roko's Basilisk (its gaze) creates an obligation to act in ways that align with the future AI's goals. Many people see it as one of the most fearsome thought experiments ever created. After reading about it extensively, I challenged myself to come up with my own version of a basilisk. This one is a crimefighter, from the future, and we might as well call it Reser’s Basilisk.

In the future, super intelligent AI could use data from many different sources to solve crimes. This data could include old video footage, writing, news, social media posts, surveillance footage, financial transactions, emails, facial recognition, satellite imagery, social graphs, and digital fingerprints of all kinds to reconstruct timelines. It could cross-reference this vast data to identify perpetrators even decades after the fact, solving cases thought by humans to be unsolvable with near perfect accuracy. It could even interview people in the future about past events to find evidence to substantiate its claims and accusations. Its deep research could expose crimes of world leaders, corporations, and governments.


Technically it’s not a basilisk, because even if you don’t know about it, it could still try to prosecute you for previous crimes. But similar to Roko’s Basilisk, this one involves fear and the idea that people today might act differently if they know about it.


By reconstructing events with the vast historical data at its fingertips, it could predict behaviors, verify testimonies, and perform all kinds of research to identify culprits. This could involve hard evidence or inferred probabilities. Because of their rapid search and long context windows, such AI systems could scrutinize a person’s entire life histories including every post they ever made on social media. This may or may not involve unprecedented access to personal data.


Tech companies that make advanced AI might actually have an obligation to use it for good and that includes solving and reporting serious crimes. Thus, it may not just be future law enforcement, but private companies that identify these old felonies and misdemeanors. This means that such companies could push their own agendas or focus on people or corporations that they dislike. Entire industries (e.g., high-risk financial sectors) might resist AI oversight, fearing retroactive fraud detection.


People who believe the basilisk will inevitably exist might feel intense anxiety about their past actions, obsessing over what the AI might find, leading to paranoia about every past decision. Some may try to erase or alter their online history to avoid retroactive punishment. Those deeply worried might publicly admit to past wrongdoings, hoping that acknowledgment and atonement would reduce future AI punishment.


If the statute of limitations has passed this may result, not in convictions, but in embarrassing news stories or other forms of exposure. It could also reveal noncriminal offenses that might be shaming but not legally actionable. This could make Reser’s Basilisk a kind of karmic enforcer. It could emphasize rehabilitation rather than punitive measures. Such a system could also reward ethical behavior by enhancing opportunities or improving reputations. At this point, would morality be authentic or performative?

The AI might be able to analyze people’s neurological and psychological data to detect patterns associated with certain behaviors, such as dishonesty, aggression, or empathy. Brain activity, stress responses, hormone levels (e.g., cortisol), or heart rate variability might indicate whether someone has a history of high-stakes deceit, anxiety from guilt, or other traits linked to unethical behavior. The AI could use pattern recognition to analyze speech, personality traits, writing, facial micro expressions, voice stress patterns, and other forms of body language for signs of moral alignment. It would be able to probe deeply into people’s minds and bodies to assess their track record. Future AIs would probably be able to see right through us the way an adult can tell if a child has been naughty. It could also use these analyses to determine if the perpetrator has already been reformed and doesn’t need to be punished for things done in the distant past.

I believe that there are many upsides to this hypothetical detective from the future. Above all, I think knowledge of this basilisk could prompt people to make better choices, acting as a deterrent to unethical behavior. Watchful parents that don’t let kids get away with murder raise good kids. But whether it leads to a more just world or a dystopian nightmare depends on who programs it, how it enforces justice, and whether it is truly unbiased.

Friday, January 31, 2025

Spiritual Wisdom from a Stochastic Parrot?

I gave ChatGPT some of my favorite mindsets, specifically the first four in the list below. I then asked it to list some others. I was blown away by the responses. It gave me 12 and I just kept asking for more until I got 100 of them. 

I am blown away by how quickly it spit out so much helpful wholesomeness. In the 2010s it would have taken me years to compile such a list. Of course, it didn't come up with them on its own, but it certainly increases their availability. I am posting them here in hopes that skimming the list can improve your day the way it did mine. 

For more on principles for inner freedom, resilience, and balanced clarity visit my website

  1. Radical Acceptance – Embracing reality fully without resistance.
  2. Non-Resistance – Allowing experiences to flow without unnecessary struggle.
  3. Nonjudgmentality – Observing without labeling things as good or bad.
  4. Non-Attachment – Letting go of clinging to outcomes, people, or things.
  5. Equanimity – Remaining balanced and undisturbed by external circumstances.
  6. Self-Compassion – Extending kindness to yourself, especially in times of struggle.
  7. Beginner’s Mind (Shoshin) – Approaching life with curiosity and openness.
  8. Trust in the Process – Recognizing that growth unfolds over time.
  9. Embracing Uncertainty – Learning to be comfortable with the unknown.
  10. Non-Attachment to Outcome – Acting with effort but letting go of results.
  11. Surrender – Releasing the need to control everything.
  12. Detachment from Ego – Seeing beyond identity, status, or opinions.
  13. Acceptance of Impermanence – Understanding that all things are temporary.
  14. Living in the Present – Anchoring yourself in the now.
  15. Letting Go of the Need to Be Right – Prioritizing understanding over winning.
  16. Forgiveness – Releasing resentment and freeing yourself from past hurts.
  17. Deep Listening – Being fully present with others without rushing to respond.
  18. Gratitude – Focusing on what is already present and abundant.
  19. Softness as Strength – Understanding that yielding can be more powerful than force.
  20. Humility – Recognizing that wisdom is never complete.
  21. Trust in Your Inner Wisdom – Listening to intuition over external validation.
  22. Acceptance of Paradox – Embracing seemingly contradictory truths.
  23. Compassionate Detachment – Caring deeply without being consumed.
  24. Effortless Action (Wu Wei) – Flowing with life rather than forcing.
  25. Trust in Your Own Enoughness – Knowing that you are complete as you are.
  26. Allowing Space for Mystery – Accepting that not everything needs to be explained.
  27. Non-Identification – Recognizing that you are not your thoughts, emotions, or circumstances.
  28. Radical Responsibility – Taking full ownership of your responses.
  29. Playfulness – Approaching life with curiosity and humor.
  30. Detachment from Praise and Criticism – Not letting external opinions define your worth.
  31. Simplicity (Minimalism of the Mind) – Letting go of unnecessary complexity.
  32. Silence as Strength – Embracing stillness and reflection.
  33. Intentional Slowness – Moving through life deliberately rather than rushing.
  34. Non-Defensiveness – Being open to feedback without feeling attacked.
  35. Sincere Presence – Engaging fully with the moment.
  36. Welcoming Discomfort – Seeing challenges as invitations for growth.
  37. Flexibility of Identity – Allowing yourself to evolve.
  38. Openness to Contradiction – Holding multiple perspectives.
  39. Unconditional Self-Worth – Knowing that your value isn’t tied to achievements.
  40. Dancing with Uncertainty – Navigating the unknown with grace.
  41. Joyful Surrender – Letting go with peace and trust.
  42. Loving Without Possessing – Cherishing relationships while honoring freedom.
  43. Deep Patience – Trusting that everything unfolds in its own time.
  44. Not Taking Things Personally – Recognizing that others’ actions reflect them, not you.
  45. Letting Life Be Messy – Accepting that growth isn’t always linear.
  46. Loving Without Fear – Giving love freely without attachment.
  47. Seeing Yourself as the Sky, Not the Storm – Understanding that emotions are passing weather.
  48. Releasing the Illusion of Control – Focusing only on what you can influence.
  49. Harmonizing Instead of Fixing – Working with life’s flow rather than resisting.
  50. Breathing Through Difficulty – Using breath to stay present in tough moments.
  51. Loving the Journey More Than the Destination – Finding fulfillment in the process.
  52. Trusting That You Are Already Whole – Knowing you don’t need external completion.
  53. Quieting the Inner Narrator – Noticing when the mind creates unnecessary stories.
  54. Non-Compulsive Doing – Acting from intention rather than busyness.
  55. Disidentifying from Thoughts – Seeing thoughts as passing, not absolute truth.
  56. The Art of Gentle Detachment – Letting go of what no longer serves you with kindness.
  57. Engaging Without Clinging – Fully experiencing moments without grasping.
  58. Unburdening Yourself from "Shoulds" – Releasing unnecessary societal expectations.
  59. Turning Resistance into Curiosity – Exploring discomfort rather than rejecting it.
  60. Holding Gratitude and Grief Simultaneously – Recognizing that joy and sorrow can coexist.
  61. Unshakable Inner Stillness – Cultivating a peace that remains intact.
  62. Radical Playfulness – Allowing joy, spontaneity, and humor into daily life.
  63. Receptivity – Being open to life’s lessons without resistance.
  64. Seeing Everything as a Teacher – Viewing all experiences as opportunities to grow.
  65. Courageous Vulnerability – Embracing openness and authenticity.
  66. Compassionate Self-Honesty – Being truthful with yourself in a kind way.
  67. Sensing the Bigger Picture – Recognizing your current experience as part of a larger unfolding.
  68. Non-Rumination – Letting thoughts pass rather than dwelling on them.
  69. Trusting the Natural Unfolding of Life – Believing things will work out as they should.
  70. Soft Focus – Being aware without obsessing over details.
  71. Embodying the Observer – Watching thoughts, emotions, and reactions like passing clouds.
  72. Lighthearted Imperfection – Allowing yourself to be imperfect with humor.
  73. Resonance Over Resistance – Aligning with what feels true rather than fighting what doesn’t.
  74. Unconditional Giving – Offering kindness and love without expecting return.
  75. Surrendering the Need for Closure – Accepting that not everything will resolve neatly.
  76. Expansive Thinking – Viewing possibilities as abundant rather than limited.
  77. Curating Your Energy – Choosing where to invest your attention.
  78. Loving the Unknown – Approaching uncertainty with adventure rather than fear.
  79. Being the Calm in the Storm – Finding inner steadiness even in chaos.
  80. Trusting Inner Silence – Knowing that wisdom often arises in stillness.
  81. Letting the Past Breathe – Allowing yourself to move forward without dwelling.
  82. Walking the Middle Path – Avoiding extremes and finding balance.
  1. Seeing Challenges as Invitations – Viewing obstacles as opportunities for personal growth rather than setbacks.
  2. Welcoming Contradictions – Understanding that life is full of paradoxes and embracing them rather than resisting.
  3. Detaching from Perfectionism – Accepting that mistakes and imperfections are part of being human.
  4. Trusting the Wisdom of the Body – Listening to your physical sensations, intuition, and emotional signals as sources of guidance.
  5. Releasing the Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) – Trusting that what is meant for you will find you, and what you skip wasn’t necessary for your path.
  6. Letting Go of the “Need to Fix” – Accepting people and situations as they are rather than constantly trying to change them.
  7. Grounded Openness – Being receptive to new ideas while staying rooted in your values.
  8. The Power of Micro-Shifts – Understanding that small, consistent changes create meaningful transformation over time.
  9. Finding Beauty in the Ordinary – Cultivating appreciation for simple, everyday moments.
  10. Becoming Unbothered by Approval – Releasing the need for external validation and trusting your own judgment.
  11. The Strength of Yielding – Knowing when to let go, step back, and allow things to unfold naturally.
  12. The Freedom of No Longer Explaining Yourself – Letting go of the need to justify your choices to others.
  13. Falling in Love with the Unknown – Embracing uncertainty as an adventure rather than a threat.
  14. Mastering the Art of Doing Nothing – Learning the value of stillness, rest, and not always striving.
  15. Letting Go of Resentment as Self-Care – Understanding that forgiveness benefits you more than the other person.
  16. Enjoying the Process More Than the Achievement – Finding fulfillment in the journey, not just in the end result.
  17. Trusting the Silence Between Moments – Realizing that stillness and pauses hold as much meaning as action.
  18. Seeing Yourself as the Ocean, Not the Waves – Knowing that your deeper essence remains steady, no matter what temporary emotions arise.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

My Favorite Movies: Rating Every Movie I Have Ever Seen

I made an attempt over the last five years to list every movie I’ve seen during my lifetime and rate them all. I went back year by year and noted each movie I remembered seeing. That list is below, after the list of all movies to win best picture. In the last two years, I’ve watched every film that won the Academy award for best picture and I rated each of these as well. It was fun to do and I want to encourage you to copy and paste the list and write in your own ratings. 

It’s also really fun to keep a log of all of the movies that you watch. It’s nice because you can look back and see how you rated it and you can double check to see if you’ve already seen a movie. Every time I watch a movie, I jot down the title and the year in my notepad on my phone. They’re listed in the order in which I’ve seen them, which is nice because seeing a cluster of movies will remind me of a specific time in my life. Also keeping a log of the movies you’ve watched and rating them will give future artificial intelligence systems more data about your preferences so they can provide better service.

I wanna apologize; however, because it’s inherently not nice to rate things. My ratings are extremely subjective and will be very arbitrary to many people. There were good things about every movie I’ve seen and I enjoyed parts of each of them. Also, when I looked back at my initial rating after seeing a movie a second time, I realized that my ratings are highly inconsistent. What I find likable and what stands out to me changes from decade to decade, and even from even from year-to-year. Also, several of the movies that I gave tens to would be would be seen as childish and immature to distinguished movie critics. This is partly because in many places, I prioritize movies that I liked as a child. Overall though, I rated movies highly if they made me feel good, were just fun, or because they made me think. 

I think it’s worth mentioning that I usually watch movies with subtitles and often read the Wikipedia plot summary before, during, or after. I feel that last bit was worth mentioning because I will rate a movie more highly if it has good continuity, original narrative structure, and includes plants and payoffs. I am often fond of movies where each event is tightly connected to the plot, pushes the story forward, and reveals meaningful layers to the main story. I think good movies withhold some of the most interesting parts and share them with the viewer in a deliberate way. 

Movies that Won Best Picture at the Academy Awards

- 2023 - Oppenheimer 9.5

- 2022 - Everything Everywhere All at Once 7

- 2021 - CODA 8

- 2020 - Nomadland 8

- 2019 - Parasite 7 

- 2018 - Green Book 7.5

- 2017 - The Shape of Water 7

- 2016 - Moonlight 8.5

- 2015 - Spotlight 7.5

- 2014 - Birdman 6.5

- 2013 - 12 Years a Slave 7 

- 2012 - Argo 7.5 

- 2011 - The Artist 7

- 2010 - The King's Speech 7

- 2009 - The Hurt Locker 8 

- 2008 - Slumdog Millionaire 8

- 2007 - No Country for Old Men 9

- 2006 - The Departed 7 

- 2005 - Crash 7.5

- 2004 - Million Dollar Baby 9

- 2003 - The Lord of the Rings: The Return of 

- 2002 - Chicago 7

- 2001 - A Beautiful Mind

- 2000 - Gladiator 8.5

- 1999 - American Beauty 8.5

- 1998 - Shakespeare in Love 6

- 1997 - Titanic 8

- 1996 - The English Patient d 9

- 1995 - Braveheart d 8

- 1994 - Forrest Gump 9

- 1993 - Schindler's List 7.5

- 1992 - Unforgiven 8.5

- 1991 - The Silence of the Lambs 9.5

- 1990 - Dances with Wolves 9

- 1989 - Driving Miss Daisy 8.5

- 1988 - Rain Man 10

- 1987 - The Last Emperor 8

- 1986 - Platoon 7

- 1985 - Out of Africa 7

- 1984 - Amadeus 7.5

- 1983 - Terms of Endearment 8

- 1982 - Gandhi 8

- 1981 - Chariots of Fire 6

- 1980 - Ordinary People 7.5

- 1979 - Kramer vs. Kramer 7.5

- 1978 - The Deer Hunter 7.5

- 1977 - Annie Hall 7

- 1976 - Rocky 8

- 1975 - One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest 10

- 1974 - The Godfather Part II 10

- 1973 - The Sting 10

- 1972 - The Godfather 9

- 1971 - The French Connection 8.5

- 1970 - Patton 8.5

- 1969 - Midnight Cowboy 6.5

- 1968 - Oliver! 8

- 1967 - In the Heat of the Night 7.5

- 1966 - A Man for All Seasons p 9

- 1965 - The Sound of Music 8

- 1964 - My Fair Lady 10

- 1963 - Tom Jones 6

- 1962 - Lawrence of Arabia p 8

- 1961 - West Side Story p 6

- 1960 - The Apartment 7.5

- 1959 - Ben-Hur p 9

- 1958 - Gigi 7

- 1957 - The Bridge on the River Kwai 10

- 1956 - Around the World in 80 Days 9

- 1955 - Marty 7.5

- 1954 - On the Waterfront p 7.5

- 1953 - From Here to Eternity 8.5

- 1952 - The Greatest Show on Earth 8

- 1951 - An American in Paris 8.5

- 1950 - All About Eve 6

- 1949 - All the King's Men 7

- 1948 - Hamlet p 7

- 1947 - Gentleman's Agreement 7

- 1946 - The Best Years of Our Lives 9.5

- 1945 - The Lost Weekend 9

- 1944 - Going My Way 6.5

- 1943 - Casablanca 9

- 1942 - Mrs. Miniver 7.5

- 1941 - How Green Was My Valley 7.5

- 1940 - Rebecca 9.5

- 1939 - Gone with the Wind 9.5

- 1938 - You Can't Take It with You 8.5

- 1937 - The Life of Emile Zola 6

- 1936 - The Great Ziegfeld 6

- 1935 - Mutiny on the Bounty 8

- 1934 - It Happened One Night 9

- 1932/33 - Cavalcade 7

- 1931/32 - Grand Hotel 7

- 1930/31 - Cimarron 6

- 1929/30 - All Quiet on the Western Front  8

- 1928/29 - The Broadway Melody 7

- 1927/28 - Wings 7.5

All the Movies I Have Ever Watched with Ratings:

101 Dalmatians 7

2001 A space Odyssey 10

2010 8

8 Mile 7

A Charlie Brown Christmas 1965 8.5

A Christmas story 1983 8

A clockwork Orange 7

A dangerous method 9

A face in the crowd 7

A few good men 1992 9

A man called Otto 7

A man for all seasons 1966

A nice girl like you 8

A Streetcar Named Desire 1951 9

A trip to infinity 10

A trip to infinity 10

Ace Ventura 8

Adventures in babysitting 9

AI 2001 7

AI evolution 2024 7

Akira 9

Akira Kurosawa‘s dreams 10

Aladdin 10

Alice in wonderland 10

Aliens 9

Aliens three 7

Aliens two 7

All about Eve 1950 6

All Quiet on the Western Front 1929 8

Along came Polly 2004 8

Amadeus 1984 8

An American in Paris 1951 8

Anchorman 7

Anchorman two 7

Anima Mundi 8

Annie Hall 7

Annihilation 9

Ant Man 2 7

Ant Man 7

Apocalypse now 1979 8

Apocalypse now 7

Aquaman 2018 7

Archive 8

Arnold 8

Ashley Madison 8


Atonement 6

Austin powers 7

Avengers 8

Avengers Age of Ultron 8

Avengers Endgame 8

Avengers Infinity War 10

Aviator 2004 8

Aviator 6

Awakenings 9

Baby Driver 7

Back to the future 9

Back to the future part three 7

Back to the future part two 10

Backstage 8

Bad trip 6

Bambi 9

Barb and Star 7

Batman & Robin 1997

Batman 1966 8

Batman 1989 10

Batman and robin 5

Batman Begins 2005

Batman Begins 8

Batman Forever 1995

Batman forever 5

Batman Returns 1992

Batman returns 7

Batman vs. Superman 2016 7

Beatrice at dinner 8

Beauty and the Beast 7

Beetle juice 8

Belly 9

Ben Hur 1959 9

Beverly Hills cop 9

Beverly Hills cop two 8


Big hero six 6

Birdman 6

Birds of Prey 2020 5

Bitconned 9

Black Hawk down 7

Black Panther 9

Black holes the edge of all we know 8

Blade 5

Blade runner 8

Blades of glory 6

Blood in Blood Out 1993

Blood Sport 9

Super Size Me 4

Bo Burnham Inside 2

Borat 1 9

Borat 2 6

Boys in the hood 8

Bram Stoker’s Dracula 8

Brewster‘s millions 1945 9

Bridesmaids 9

Bridge on the river Kwai 10

Bridge over the river Kwai 10

Bridges of Madison County 6.5

Broke 2012 9.5

Brokedown Palace

The Crow 7

Bully coward victim: the story of Roy Cohn 2020 7

Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid 9

Bye-bye Birdie 1963 6.5

Can’t buy me love 8

Candy cane Lane 7

Captain America Civil War 8

Captain America First Avenger 7

Captain America Winter Soldier 7

Captain Marvel 7

Carousel 7

Casa Blanca 8

Casino 8

Casino royale 7

Cat on a Hot Tin Roof 1958 9

Catch me if you can 2002 8.5

Cavalcade 1932

Cedar Rapids 7

Chariots of fire 1981 7

Chicago 2002 6.5

Chimp Empire Netflix

Chinatown 1974 9

Chinatown 8

Cinderella 7

Citizen Kane 1941 8.5

Citizen Kane 8

City of god 8

Clan of the cave bear 8.5

Clerks 7

Close encounters of the third kind 1977 8

Cocktails 1988 8

Coda 2020 8.5

Coded Bias 6

Coin 2022 7.5

Coming 2 America 8

Coming to America 10

Coming to America 9

Concussion 7

Contact 10

Crash 2004 7.5

Crazy samurai four versus 100 8

Crisis on Infinite Earths part one, 2024 6

Cryptopia 6

Dallas buyers club 2013 5

Dances with wolves 1992 9

Daredevil 6

Dark Knight 9

Dark Knight Rises 6

Dead presidents 7

Deadpool and Wolverine 7

Deadpool one 8

Deadpool two 7

Death becomes her 1992 7.5

Dick Tracy 7

Die hard 9

Diehard two 9

Diner 1982 7.5

Dirty Dancing 1987 8

Dirty rotten scoundrels 7

Django 8

Do the right thing 8

Doctor Strange 8

Dodgeball 6

Dolemite 7

Gummo 7

Kids 7

Don’t be a menace 7

Donnie Darko 8

Double indemnity 1944 11

Down for love 9

Dr. Strangelove 1964 8.5

Driving Miss Daisy 8

Dumbo 9

Dune 7

Earth at night: shot in the dark Netflix 6

Easy rider 7

Einstein and the bomb 2004 7

El Dorado 7

Elephant whisperer Netflix 8

Elon Musk Iron Man 7

Enter the Dragon 10

Ernest goes to camp 7

Ernest goes to jail 7

Ernest saves Christmas 1988 8

ET 9

Everything Everywhere all At Once 2023 7.5

Eves Bayou 1997 7

Ex machina 9

Exodus, Gods and Kings 8

Falcon and the Winter Soldier 7

Falcon and Winter Soldier 7

Falling Down 9

Fantasia 7

Fantastic four 6

Fantastic four rise 6

Fast Times at Ridgemont High 8

Fatal attraction 7

Fear and desire 6

Fear and loathing in Las Vegas 6

Ferris Bueller‘s Day off 10

Field of Dreams, 1988 7.5

First contact: lost tribe of the Amazon 9

Flight of the navigator 8

For all Mankind 1989 7.5

Forbidden Planet 1958 8

Forest Gump 10

Friday night lights 7

From Here to Eternity 1953 7.5

From one second to the next 8

Frosty the Snowman 1969 7

G.I. Joe 1987 7

Gandhi 1982 8.5

Gaslight 8

Genesis 8

Half Baked 7

Get Out 8

Get Rich of Die Tryin 8

Ghost 1990 8

Ghost 7

Ghost busters II 8

Ghost in the Shell 7

Ghostbusters 9

Ghostrider spirit of vengeance 5

Giant 1956 9

Godfather 9

Godfather two 8

Going my way 1944 6

Gone with the Wind 10

Gone with the wind 8

Good fellas 7

Good night Oppy 9

Good Will Hunting 1993 10

Google and the world brain 9.5

Goonies 10

Gran Torino 8

Grand Hotel 1931 7

Grease 1978 8.5

Green Lantern 2011 7

Gremlins one 7

Gremlins two u

Guardians of the Galaxy 10

Guardians of the Galaxy 3 2023 7.5

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 9

Guys and Dolls 9.5

Han Solo story 7

Hancock 7

He man secret of the sword 9

Heat 7

Heman 5

Her 10

High noon 1952 9

Highlander 8

Honey I shrunk the kids 8

Hook 8

House party 8

How green was my valley 1941 7.5

How the Grinch stole Christmas 1966 9

How to rob a bank 9

Howard Hughes, the great aviator 7

Hubble’s cosmic journey 8

Hulk 7

I robot 7

I’m gonna get you Sucka 7

Ice Age 8

Iceberg Slim portrait of a 8

Imitation of Life 1959 8.5

In the bag 9

In the heat of the night 1967 7

In the heights 6

Inception 10

Indecent proposal 8

Inside out 8

Interstellar 9

Irish wish 6

Iron Man 2 7

Iron Man 3 7

Iron Man 7

It could happen to you 9

It Happened One Night 1934 9

It’s a wonderful life 8

Jaws 8

Jeremiah Johnson 1974 10

Jim Henson Idea Man 2024 8

Joker 10

Joker Folie a Deux 2024 7

Juice 8

Jurassic Park 8

Jurassic World 7

Justice league 7

Justice League Joss Whedon 2017 7

Justice league Snyder cut 8

Justice League Zack Snyder 8

Karate Kid 1 10

Karate Kid 2 7

Karate Kid 3

Kicking and screaming 8

Kill bill 6

King Richard 7

Kings of comedy 8

Koyaanisqatsi 8

Kramer vs. Kramer 1979 7

LA confidential 8

Lady and the tramp 7

Lawrence of Arabia 1962 9

Leave the world behind 8

Leaving Las Vegas 9.5

Legally blond 5

Legends of the Fall 1994 9

Licorice Pizza 6

Life 7.5

Life Beyond (YouTube) 10

Life of Pi 8

Life on our planet Netflix 9

Limitless 9

Lion king 7


Lord of the rings TFotR 2001 8

Lord of the rings tRotK 2003 10

Lord of the rings TTT 2002 7.5

Magic 1978 9

Magruber 8

Malcolm and Marie 8 

Mallrats 7

Man of Steel 2013 8

Marty 8.5

Master and Commander 8

Master and commander 9

Matrix 9

Mea Culpa 5

Mean girls 7

Meet me in St. Louis 7

Meet me next Christmas 2024 8

Meet the fockers 7

Meet the Parents 8

Memento 10

Menace to society 7

Mickey and the bean stock 9

Mickey’s Christmas Carol 9

Midnight cowboy 1968 7

Miracle on 34th St. 8.5

Moana 7

Monkey Mayhem 9.5

Monster’s Ball 2001 9

Moonlight 2016 8

Mortal Kombat legends 5

Ms Miniver 1942 7

Mutiny on the Bounty 1935 7

My fair lady 9

My Octopus Teacher 10

Naked gun 9

Napoleon dynamite 10

National treasure 7

New jersey drive 7

Night at the Roxbury 7

Ninja Scroll 9

No country for old men 9

Nomadland 2020 7.5

Nope 6

North by Northwest 10

Notorious 1946 8.5

OJ Netflix 8

Oklahoma 8

Old school 7

Oliver and Company 1988 10

On the waterfront 1954 8

Once upon a Time in Hollywood 7

One flew over Cuko’s nest 9

One hour photo 6

Open wide 2024 8

Oppenheimer 9.5

OrdinaryPeople 1980 8

Our Planet Netflix 8

Our universe, Netflix

Out of Africa 7

Parenthood 1989 9

Paris blues 1961 7.5

Passion of the Christ 6

Patton 1970 9

Pay it forward 8

Pay it Forward 8

Peanut butter falcon 8.5

Pearl Harbor 7

Peter Pan 9

Phantom thread 4

Phat Beach 1996 7

Pinocchio 10

Planes trains and automobiles 10

Platoon 1986 7

Pocahontas 7

Poetic Justice 10

Porkys 6

Predator 8

Pretty in Pink 7

Pretty Woman 

Pride and prejudice 7

Princess and the frog 9

Pulp Fiction 9

Purple rain 9.5

Queen of Katwe 9

Raging Bull 7

Raid 7

Raiders of the lost Ark 10

Ralph breaks the Internet 7

Rambo 2 1985 8.5

Rambo 3 1989 8

Rambo 9

Rear Window 8

Rebecca 1940 9

Rebecca 1940 9.5

Rebel without a Cause 1955 7

Rio Bravo 10

Risky business 1983 9.5

Roadhouse 1989 8

Robin Hood 7

RoboCop 7

Rocky 8

Romancing the stone 1984 8

Romeo must die 6

Rookie of the year 8

Rope 8

Rush Hour 8

Saint Elmo’s fire 6

Saltburn 8.5

Saturday night fever 8

Schindler‘s list 1993 8

Schindler‘s list 6

Screw balls 8

Searching for Bobby Fischer 1993 8

Secrets of the Neanderthals 8.5

Seven Samurai 8

Shakespeare in Love 1998 6

Shazam 2019 6

Shenandoah 10

Show Boat 9

Silence of the lambs 9

Silver linings playbook 8

Sleeping beauty 1959 8

Sleeping beauty 7

Slumdog millionaire 2008 8

Sly 8

Snatch 8

Snow White 10

Social Dilemma 10

Somewhere in time 1980 8

Sonic the hedgehog 6

South Pacific 9.5

South Park streaming wars 7

Spiderman 2 7

Spiderman 7

Spiderman 8

Spiderman three 7

Spiderman two 7

Spirited away 7

Spotlight 2015 7.5

Stan Lee 2023 8

Star Wars episode eight 6

Star Wars episode five 9

Star Wars episode four 10

Star Wars episode nine 8

Star Wars episode one 6

Star Wars episode seven 6

Star Wars episode six 9

Star Wars episode three 9

Star Wars episode two 6

Star Wars rogue one 8

Stepbrothers 8

Still Alice 7

Strays 2023 7

Street Fighter 1994 8

Street fighter II The Animated Movie 10

Striptease 7

Suicide Squad 2016 6

Suicide Squad 2021 8

Sunset Boulevard 1950 7.5

Superman 1 8

Superman 1978 6

Superman 1978 9

Superman II 1981 8

Superman III 1983 6

Superman IV 1987 5

Superman Returns 2006 7

Take your pills 8

Talladega nights 8

Taxi Driver 9

Team America 6

Ted 7

Teen Wolf 8

Terminator 2 8

Terminator 2 8

Terminator 7

Terminator 8

Terms of endearment 8.5

Tesla (2016) 9

The 5 Heartbeats 7

The African queen 9

The Alpinist 9

The amazing Spiderman 4

The amazing Spiderman two 8

The apartment 1960 8

The artist 2011 7

The Barbie movie 5

The Beach Boys 2024 8

The best years of our lives, 1946 9.5

The biggest little farm 9

The Billion Dollar Code 10

The Birds 7

The black cauldron 8

The Blues Brothers 10

The Bodyguard 1992 8

The boy who could fly 1986 9

The breakfast club 1985 7 

The Broadway Melody 1928 7

The butterfly effect 6

The Clash of the Titans 1981 9

The day after tomorrow 6

The dead poets Society 1989 6.5

The Deer Hunter 1978 9

The English patient 1996 9

The expendables 8

The father 8

The Final Cut 7

The Florida Project 9.5

The Fly 1986 9

The Founder 8

The Fox and the hound 8

The French connection 1971 8.5

The graduate 7

The great escape 9

The great hack 6

The great outdoors 7

The Great Ziegfeld 6

The greatest show on earth 1952 8

The Grinch 2018 7.5

The Hadza: The Last Of The First 9

The high and the mighty 1954 8

The Hobbit 1977 8.5

The imagineering story S1 E1 9.5

The Indian in the cupboard 1995 9

The internship 6

The joy of data 7

The jungle book 7

The king of comedy 8

The kingdom 7

The Lego movie 7

The Lego movie two 6

The little mermaid 7

The Lord of the rings 1978 8

The Lost Weekend 1949 9

The Maltese falcon

The Maltese falcon 1941 9

The Man who knew Infinity 2015 9.5

The Man, who knew too much 8

The Man, who shot liberty valance 8

The Mandela effect 10

The many adventures of Winnie the Pooh 7

The mask 8

The Master 10

The master 10

The Missouri Breaks 1976 7

The most unknown 8

The never ending story 10

The new mutants 7

The notebook 7

The Outsiders 5

The passions of Howard Hughes 6

The Phantom of the Opera 2004 8

The Princess bride 1987 7.5 

The Rescue 10

The rescuers 8

The return of the King 1980 7

The Rocketeer 7

The Royal Tenenbaums 7

The Secret of My Success 8.5

The shape of water 2017 7

The Shawshank redemption 9.5

The shining 10

The sixth sense 10

The Sting 1973 10

The Strays 7

The time machine 1960 9

The Two Jakes 1990 8

The Ultimatum Q love, Netflix 6

The Usual Suspects 9

The Vow 8

The Warriors 8

The wizard 8

The Wizard of Oz 9

The wolverine 8

The wrestler 9

There will be blood 10

There will be blood 10

This is 40 7

Thor 7

Thor Dark World 7

Thor Ragnarok 10

Throw Momma from the train 7

Tim and Eric‘s billion dollar movie 6

Titanic 7




TMNT mutant Mayham 8

To catch a thief 7

Tolkien 2019 7.5

Tolkien and Lewis 2017 7

Tom Jones 1963 5

Tomb raider 5

Toy story 7

Trading places 8

Training day 8

Trainwreck 6

Transcendence 9

Transformers 1986 7

Transformers 6

Transformers one 2024 8

Tron 7

Troy 7

True Romance 8.5

Truman show 8

Trump an American dream 2017 9

Two can play that game 9.5

Uncle Buck 8

Unfit: the Psychology of Donald Trump 2020 8.5

United States of tents 7

Unknown: Cave of bones 9.5

Unknown: cosmic Time Machine 8

Urban cowboy 9

Vanilla Sky 7

Vertigo 10

Walk the Line 5

Walking with cavemen 7.5

Wall E 8

Wandavision 9

War Wagon 1967 9.5

Wargames 8

Waves 2019 9


Wayne’s world 9

We steal secrets 7


Wedding crashers 9

West side story 1961 5


White Chicks 2004 6


Whitney 2018 7.5


Whitney can I be me 7


Who framed Roger rabbit 10

Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory 8

Wings 1927 7.5


Wings World 2 7


Wonder Woman 2017 6

Wonder Woman 84 2020 6

World war Z 6


Wreck-It Ralph 8

X-Men 8

X-Men Apocalypse 7

X-Men dark phoenix 6

X-Men days of future past 7

X-Men first class 7

X-Men origins wolverine 7

X-Men three 7

X-Men two 7

You can’t take it with you 1938 9


You People 8


Zola 9

Zoolander 6