Drinking water used to be slow, and stressful for me. This
happened because my swallowing reflex had become discoordinated from hyperventilation
commonly causing me to choke on my drink. Swallowing involves temporary closure
of the epiglottis to keep food and drink out of the lungs. If it is not
synchronized properly then the inhaling of liquid (pulmonary aspiration) can
occur. Drinking fast felt perilous. Chugging felt like I was being
waterboarded. Difficulty swallowing is known as dysphagia, everybody has a
little bit of it and you want to minimize your bit. Use the exercise below so
that you drink mightily with no unnecessary encumbrances.
Healthy Weight Activity #2: Chug Water Mightily
Pour yourself a large glass of room temperature or warm
water. Tell yourself that there is no rush, and that you have nothing better to
do at this moment than to observe your swallowing apparatus at work. Take a
deep breath, and drink the water slowly and mindfully. Start with small gulps
and make each one voluntary. Pay very close attention to the cadence of your
gulping. It should be steady. Focus on the following:
1) During each gulp the muscles
involved should move through their full range of motion decisively and uninterrupted.
2) Much of the swallowing process
is an automatic reflex controlled by unconscious neurological mechanisms in the
brainstem. You must give each swallow time to progress entirely through its
reflex arc before you attempt to swallow again. You don’t want to interrupt a swallow
by swallowing again too early.
3) It takes practice to get to
know when, at the soonest, it is safe to initiate another swallow. It is like
two people passing sand bags to each other down a line. The first person has to
wait until the second person’s hands are free before they can pass another bag.
Passing each bolus of water from the cup to your mouth, and then to the back of
your throat should be efficient and quick, but not at all rushed.
4) You can hold your breath
while you chug, or you can try to coordinate nasal breathing along with
drinking. Either way, don’t let involuntary gasps interrupt the chugging
process. You can’t breathe and swallow at the same time, and you must teach the
involuntary aspects of breathing and swallowing to cooperate, and wait for
their turn.
Using this exercise twice per day for two weeks will make is
so that you will have no problem chugging 4 large glasses of water in 20
seconds. You will be able to put away a bottle of water, a fruit shake, or a
smoothie in very short time. And you will never be afraid of choking on water.
For more health building exercises visit www.programpeace.com
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